Saturday, January 9, 2010

Aight before I start, just by looking at the title you might be think "yeah right." but seriously I think you should hear me out on this one....We've all heard of freebie sites of course, but if you havent then u really shud read this....its called Gaming Lagoon and its a GPT or Get-Paid-To.

Basically what the site does is allow their sponsers to advertise and give out surveys/offers to the users of the site. This is where the Free codes for Xbox live plus hundred of other prizes come in....In exchange for you taking jus 5 mins of your time filling these surveys out, gaming lagoon rewards you with points and cash, and here comes the best part: You can use these points/cash to get prizes!!!!! So basically all you do is sign up, do a couple of 5mins or less surveys, get points and cash from them and finally redeem those points for prizes like sub codes, game accessories and more!!!

And the site is 100% free and legit!!!!!! if you still dont beleive me, here's the link to hundreds of testimonials from happy users: ....convinced???? you should be!!! And whats even better? They ship it to you free or emial it to you if its a code or code related. Check this out as proof.... (sorry for the page cut, but all you needed to see was the "shipped" and the "email" part :)

But lets just say your tired of doing surveys to get points - no worries, Gaming Lagoon's got you covered!! If you want a another way to receive points from the site you can participate in contests and undergo in the site's referral system. In contests, which happen usually on special occasions like new year's, they automatically enter in the sweepstakes for a chance to win awesome prizes over the course of the contests...prizes range from consoles like Wii, PS3 and Xbox 360, to flat screen TVs, phones and desktops/laptops. And like i said before, they ship it to you free of charge!!! In the referral system, Gaming Lagoon awards you for everyone you bring or "refer" to their site. You get awarded 20% of what your referrals make, making your points rack up faster!!! The referrals have to complete offers for this to happen though...:)

So......wanna get started?? here's the link, jus click the sign up option:
....P.S. You can also go to the link for even more info

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